Z- Generation (*) Entrepreneurship Generation Z is bringing a whole new and different mindset to the business world as employers, employees and customers.
Sky is NOT the limit – For Entrepreneurs! In his song 'There’s a World Out There', Paul Brandt repeats the verses: There’s a world out there and I wanna be in it I’ve got a life and I‘m gonna live it Don’t tell me the sky is the limit, There’s footprints on the moon
Use of Social Media for New Businesses There are now about 4.2 billion people using the social media (twice the number versus 5 yrs ago.) They each spend an average of about 2.5 hrs every day. Main reasons people use social media are:
Entrepreneurship Education According to the Future Job Survey* of the World Economic Forum, about 50% of the existing jobs will be automated by 2055. This will create great challenges, new roles & responsibilities for future generations, and it will put emphasis on the importance of entrepreneurship education.
Costs in New Businesses Many new businesses fail because they don't properly budget for the startup costs. Every new business has startup costs unique to that specific business.
Doing Well by Doing Good Thanks to entrepreneurship and advances in technology - even under the stressful Covid crisis - a new world with a new generation of leaders is emerging. The motto of this new world affair is 'do well by doing good.'
STEAM and Entrepreneurship STEAM, which is in high demand around the globe, is an educational system that uses science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics to flourish the students' inquiry and critical thinking. This system teaches students 'how to think' instead of 'what to think.'
Entrepreneurs Should Learn to Say 'NO' Entrepreneurs are optimists by nature.
Entrepreneurs' Journey: 'Learn - Earn - Return' Cycle I first heard of the 'Learn - Earn - Return' phrase from Bert W. M. Twaalfhoven, an international entrepreneur and venture capitalist from The Netherlands, during one of the European Foundation for Entrepreneurship Research meetings more than a decade ago.
Virtual Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competitions It is a fact that we are living through unprecedented times. But, we should be grateful that we have the ability to change our long-held habits and start creating new ways for solving the present issues we are facing in order to make the world a better place.
Covid19 Pushes Entrepreneurship to New Heights COVID-19 crisis made us all understand that it's impact is not limited to 'sanitary and health' issues, but it is also resulting in an unprecedented downturn of the global economy.
Gig Entrepreneurship on the Rise Gig entrepreneurship is the rising norm of doing business in free-market economies where entrepreneurs hire independent contractors/freelancers paid per job or per project basis instead of hiring full-time employees.